SEO Trends to look out in 2021


We are nearing the end of yet another year. 2020 is a year that many businesses have struggled to stay in the game, due to the novel coronavirus. Now, by living a ‘new normal’ life, everything is gradually picking up pace, including business and marketing. As usual, a new year opens up new possibilities and new ways to achieve growth and success. With SEO optimization being a necessity for business growth, let us check the trends that will dominate 2021:

  • Voice Search - Each of us carry a personal assistant in our bags and pockets. It comes in different names, including Cortana, Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant. One of the greatest advantages of this innovation is speech recognition. Ask a question and you will get an answer in an instant. Thanks to its ease, people have begun voice searching for their queries. Therefore, it is time to optimize your keywords. Include long phrases that people would commonly ask regarding your business in order to show it to them.

  • Better Content - Content has always been one of the greatest factors that attract traffic to your website. Remember to use content that is long, interactive and informative to the audience. Also, many websites tend to overstuff the short content on their website with their keywords. Recent data suggests that search engines have a tendency to lower the ranking of websites if their content is not deemed informative to the audience.

  • Image Optimization - Among the various types of searches in a search engine, one of the least used will be the image search. With innovations like Google Lens, it has become easier for people to search by pointing their smartphone camera. It calls for the proper optimization of images on your website. Use high-quality images, each with its own relevant label that corresponds to the webpage content.

  • Go Local - The Internet is the World Wide Web that brings the world to you and takes you to the world. Being a business, if you are thinking only about going global, you are missing out on the easiest form of business, your local audience. People search more for local businesses, which is why starting a Google My Business page is recommended. Local SEO is clearly something to look out for.

These are some of the top trends in SEO to look out for in 2021. For expert SEO services for your business, contact ShopExpertz now, the best SEO company

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