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How to Improve the Security of your Ecommerce Store

Everything now, including business, is happening online. Ecommerce stores have become popular thanks to offering more convenience to the customers and businesses alike. Having an eCommerce store will help your business, however, it is also at risk of being breached by hackers and others with malicious intent. It is therefore important to have an eCommerce store that is safe and secure. Here are some tips to improve and ensure the security of your eCommerce store. HTTPS Hosting - A few years ago, HTTP was all that was required, however with the growth and popularity of online commerce, HTTPS has become necessary. HTTPS is the secure form of HTTP. Search engines like Google prefer HTTPS websites and Shopify websites are entirely...

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The Benefits of Local SEO

In the age of the internet, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has forever been the most trusted strategies to increase brand visibility and boost the ranking of a website. SEO strategies have witnessed a fair amount of changes over the years and it will continue to change in future. The strategy that is now gaining traction in local SEO. One of the benefits of SEO services is that it can help your website reach your target audience easily. It also transcends all boundaries, which means that by employing the right strategy for SEO optimization, anyone in any part of the world can find your business listing. However, nothing helps your business more than local SEO. Benefits of Local SEO Better Standings...

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SEO Trends to look out in 2021

We are nearing the end of yet another year. 2020 is a year that many businesses have struggled to stay in the game, due to the novel coronavirus. Now, by living a ‘new normal’ life, everything is gradually picking up pace, including business and marketing. As usual, a new year opens up new possibilities and new ways to achieve growth and success. With SEO optimization being a necessity for business growth, let us check the trends that will dominate 2021: Voice Search - Each of us carry a personal assistant in our bags and pockets. It comes in different names, including Cortana, Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant. One of the greatest advantages of this innovation is speech recognition. Ask a question and...

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